Achieve continuous HIPAA compliance with cloud managed services


Developers don’t want to slow down for compliance, and they shouldn’t have to. With our HIPAA compliance services for AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud, our team of experts combined with advanced technology can take on the heavy lifting for you on the compliance side. So your organization can move fast, and stay compliant. Additionally, map to NIST 800-53, ISO 27001, SOC 2, GDPR, PCI, and more through our HITRUST certified managed cloud solution.


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Automated HIPAA compliance services


Automate HIPAA and other compliance controls in AWS, Azure, and GCP. Our HIPAA compliance services, combined with advanced technology, will automatically remediate 99% of HIPAA compliance technical control deviations on your behalf, and raise a ticket for those scarce issues that need your attention. Minimize the amount of time it takes to manage cloud compliance so you can focus on more important tasks.





The Health Information Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) compliance is required by law for any organization that generates, stores, or transmits protected health information (PHI). While HIPAA is important, it has been criticized for being vague and open to interpretation. Additionally, there is no HIPAA certification so a claim of being "HIPAA Compliant" cannot be easily validated. The HITRUST Common Security Framework, or CSF, is a comprehensive tool that can be used to help you achieve HIPAA and other compliance while minimizing risk. It is prescriptive and solves the problem of the vagueness of HIPAA. It is third-party verified, which is why over 80% of covered entities require certification of their vendors. Learn more in this blog.


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HIPAA Compliance on Azure


Unlike compliance in a traditional environment, the vast majority of compliance processes in Azure can be automated via APIs. Focusing on automating HIPAA technical controls might be a daunting task in the beginning, but it will help save you time and improve your compliance posture in the future. Read the blog on where to start with HIPAA in Azure to learn more.


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AWS HIPAA Compliance


Achieve continuous HIPAA compliance in AWS by automating best practices for meeting HIPAA technical controls. By enabling automated guardrails your developer team can innovate fast, without worrying about compliance. It's HIPAA compliance at the speed of DevOps. Learn more in this blog.


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Google Cloud HIPAA Compliance


Instead of manually checking HIPAA compliance on a point-in-time basis, you can achieve continuous compliance in Google Cloud by automating compliance controls. Maintain a compliant environment that doesn't allow suboptimal resources to be deployed into production with Cloudticity's managed cloud solution for Google Cloud.


Get started with Google Cloud



Achieve HIPAA Compliance on Azure

With these 11 best practices for continuous compliance.


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Cloudticity Helps You Maintain Continuous HIPAA and HITRUST Compliance


Through our HITRUST Certified solution, you can meet and report on multiple compliance frameworks simultaneously.


Download the complete list of controls we cover from HITRUST.



Achieve Continuous HIPAA Compliance

Learn How Managed Cloud Services Can Help Today