Generative AI for Healthcare

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Bring Generative AI Solutions to Market, Faster

With the explosion of generative AI and Large Language Models (LLMs) in recent years, healthcare organizations of all sizes are exploring how they can integrate these technologies into their products and solutions. And for good reason. Generative AI has enormous potential to automate tasks, enhance the patient experience, and streamline care processes.

As with any new technology, implementing it is more of a marathon than a sprint. Still, organizations are under pressure to produce live solutions quickly.

Cloudticity can help. With our AI for Healthcare Kickstarter, a 30-day workshop to proof of concept on AWS, our generative AI and healthcare cloud experts can help you realize your AI goals faster, with less pressure on your team. Schedule a free consultation today to learn more.


Solution Brief: Generative AI Kickstarter for Healthcare

Learn how you can create a Proof-of-Concept in just 30 days!



Benefits of Generative AI for Healthcare with Cloudticity

develop prototype poc

Develop a Prototype

Identify use cases, define success KPIs, and create a proof of concept of your generative AI solution

improve data quality

Improve Data Quality

Determine data quality and availability, define data requirements, and build data cleaning and processing pipelines

endpoint protection-1

Secure Your Solution

Implement data security solutions and best practices, such as encryption and identity and access management


Maintain Compliance

Ensure your solution meets compliance requirements for HIPAA, HITRUST, NIST, FISMA, SOC 2, and more

data management pipeline

Implement Data Management Pipelines

Identify data sources and build data collection, cleaning, processing, and augmentation pipelines

optimize fine-tune model llm

Optimize and Fine-Tune Models

Fine-tune pre-trained models and optimize prompts, deploy the model in batch or real-time mode and optimize for latency and cost

GEN AI Healthcare

FREE eBook: Getting Started with Generative AI for Healthcare

Learn three adoption strategies that you can put to use today.



Why Generative AI for Healthcare?

Introducing generative AI solutions and capabilities into your offerings not only solidifies your presence in the competitive landscape but also amplifies the value delivered to your customers. This cutting-edge technology can help you automate routine tasks, optimize care workflows, and improve patient experience.


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How Do You Secure Generative AI Models?


Without the right security measures, generative AI models are vulnerable to data theft, corruption, and data exposure. Securing generative AI models requires multi-layered security and limited access controls.


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What Are the Challenges to Generative AI Adoption?


One of the biggest roadblocks for generative AI adoption in healthcare is data requirements. In order for AI models to be effective, the data needs to be high quality and available. More often than not, this requires data preparation and data management pipelines.


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With Cloudticity, You Can Operationalize AI Solutions Quickly

Learn About Our Generative AI for Healthcare Kickstarter


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Cloudticity delivers continuous security, compliance, reliability, and cost-savings via advanced automation.

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