Get Started with AI for Healthcare in 30 Days

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The race is on. It's time to offer generative AI solutions to your healthcare customers so you can stay competitive and relevant in the market.


Of course, if adopting AI were easy you'd already be doing it. There are some critical roadblocks in the way of businesses adopting AI:

  1. 1. Most healthcare organizations don't have internal talent to support AI.
  2. 2. Most healthcare data isn't ready for AI/LLMs.
  3. 3. AI solutions that interact with PHI need to be architected for security and compliance.

Cloudticity and SoftServe can help. With our Generative AI Accelerator for healthcare on AWS, you can bring generative AI healthcare solutions to market, faster, and reduce the burden on your team. 


Schedule a free consultation to learn more today!

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Group 221
Plenty of people talk about the possibilities of what automation and the cloud can do. Cloudticity is actually doing it. They are helping Verge Health automate and improve how we operate and the ways our tech teams work, which is making us a more innovative partner to our hospital customers, and ultimately, their patients.
Chief Solutions Officer, Verge Health